Hal yang paling menggairahkan tentang puisi adalah sekali kau benar-benar masuk ke dalamnya maka kau takkan pernah menemukan jalan keluar.
(Rey Prameshwara)

Rabu, 02 Mei 2012


I came to you with a poem.
A poem I wrote long ago,
Before I was born.

Had you heard my song?
I heard you sing along
With the cool evening wind
That froze my distraught mind.

I had seen the strongest xebec
Eaten up by the raging sea.
I lied my eyes on the bright flares when
The cannons fired first at dawn.
Yet I never saw something
As amazing as

So many years passed by as I watched them all
Many more seasons changed and I saw them all.
Through winter to fall.
But I only saw the clear night sky once
With its glittering stars,
Almost as beautiful as

Had you felt my heartbeat?
I had felt your breath.
When you were in my arms,
As we were drifting in other realms.

I came to you with a love.
A love that could not lie dying,
After you were gone.

ditulis oleh Rey Prameshwara

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