Hal yang paling menggairahkan tentang puisi adalah sekali kau benar-benar masuk ke dalamnya maka kau takkan pernah menemukan jalan keluar.
(Rey Prameshwara)

Minggu, 16 September 2012

Across The River: A Sonnet

How could you need me in the morning light
When you could have dews sitting on flowers?
The breeze and those singing birds on the trees
Were enough for you to forget the night.
And when the night fell upon misty lake,
You would not need me - when you were lying
In your bed - with a lullaby to sing,
While you had all nocturnal birds awake.
I was not the one who should take the fall.
And I'm not the one who always stands tall,
Be careless and runs through the barring wall.
I shall never cross over the river
Because the land where I should be is here.
Over there, tales I never seek to hear.

ditulis oleh Rey Prameshwara

1 komentar:

  1. Jarang sekali bisa baca soneta yang benar-benar baru. Blog mas Rey bisa bener-bener ngangenin kl soneta jd warnanya dengan gaya menulis khas mas Rey.

    Saya tunggu soneta lainnya mas ;)
